Who are we?

Tercio Publishing – the people

We are a professional group of strategists with extensive experience in the Arts, Entertainment, Education and Communications Industries. We have a vision.

Profiles are in the drafting, writing and fine tuning stages, readying for the actual website, so as this is the blog, I have taken some poetic license.


The Creative Director

Zola has a whiteboard in her dining room. She used to run The Artery Melbourne – a bar, gallery and performance venue. Her head fills with big creative ideas and she enjoys bringing the right people together to actualise them.

Linkedin Profile Link 

Follow Zola on twitter @tercioZola

(image from time life magazine) 



The Sagacious Director

Michael comes from a high responsibility, high stress, corporate environment. A leader in strategic risk management, he often shakes his head, thinks deeply then delivers his ideas in a calm and logical manner. He keeps our vision heading in the right direction.

Linkedin Profile Link

Follow Michael on Twitter @mptdoherty
(be warned he hasn’t really got the hang of it yet)


The Fiscal Mistress, Brenda should run for Prime Minister, she can organise absolutely anything and always manages it with a smile on her face and a spring in her step. An inspiring woman, she is currently teaching her business management, administration and system structure skills to our future business leaders.

Follow Brenda on Twitter @brendah1806
(#qanda commentator)

(image details coming)



Department Head – Tercio Books

Lori  is an autodidact and a little bit anal. She loves loves, loves books whether they come packaged in dead tree off-cuts or digital megabits and pieces. She does not hang-glide, bungee jump or scuba dive but does know everything there is to know about AFL football. Collingwood, especially.

Linkedin Profile Link

Follow Lori on Twitter @esPressoPubs

(sourcing image details) 
